Cut the Christmas Chaos and Calorie Frenzy

Go from Frazzled, Frumpy and Frustrated to Calm, Collected and Chill for the Holidays

 December 10th to 13th at 12pm Pacific | via Zoom
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 According to every Hallmark movie made, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.

But why do you feel so exhausted, burned out, and bloated by the end?

Turns out that when you: 
  •  say yes when you really want to say no
  • procrastinate making Christmas presents until the last minute
  • scrolling on Facebook or 'doing research' on YouTube for most the day rather than making the projects
  • over committing to parties, potlucks and programs
  • being run by the ever growing 'To-Do' lists 

  You aren't enjoying yourself.   

What's the Solution? 
  • be the Grinch and not do anything?
  • hurt people's feelings by not attending their party?
  • be rude by not buying the calendars or other fundraising causes?
  • feeling guilty for not customising every present you give?
I have the SOLUTION.

Cut the Christmas Chaos and Calorie Frenzy Master Class

 Cost: $11

When:  December 10th to 13th at 12pm Pacific | via Zoom
 Day 1 | Dec 10:
Discover why you fall in the same busy trap every year even though you promised that 2024 would be different

Day 2 | Dec 11:
Uncover your specific pitfalls and Create your Unique toolbox of mind tools to help you

Day 3 | Dec 12:
Practice using your tools in real life scenarios

Day 4 | Dec 13:
Get the Key to Drive on your Unique trip to Christmas Calm and Joy 
All calls will be recorded and available for replay within 24 hours.

My name is Dara Tomasson 

 I am a life coach who helps women get to the root of what is happening so you can go to bed rested and enjoy your holidays.

Turn from being burned out to increased energy.
Turn overwhelm into feeling overjoyed.
Turn overeating into a thing of the past.  

 When you have a messy house and don't want to deal with it, turning the lights out means you don't see the mess but it also means you trip and fall or stub your toe as you try to get around. When you don't get to the root of the problem you keep tripping and stumbling.  
 Sign up and get your custom plan for Christmas success from an expert life coach who has helped 100's of women create the life they want.
Guarantee your own success by showing up for you.

You will be shocked at what happens when you spend 4 hours with me and this course.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results. If you don’t change or learn how to ‘sharpen the saw’, you will continue to have the same results every year. Get a new tool box and then the support to use them.

Sign Up Now for the 4-day Master Course

Cut the Christmas Chaos and Calorie Frenzy

Go from Frazzled, Frumpy and Frustrated to Calm, Collected and Chill for the Holidays

Frequently Asked Questions 

Do I have to purchase any supplements with your weight loss approach?

No. I approach weight loss from an emotional perspective primarily. I have recommendations of vitamins others way to support your health if you would like.

Do I have to come live to the calls?

No, but I encourage you to come live because you can take advantage of me teaching andno, but I encourage you to come live because you can take advantage of me teaching and ask questions at the same time. All the calls are recorded and will be sent to you.

Do I have to be on Facebook and in the Liberate group to get the most out of the master class?

No. It is helpful to be in there because I will show up and provide support, answer questions and help women there.

What if I have tried weight loss before and failed?

In my opinion the more attempts at failing weight loss the better when you look back and see WHY you haven’t been successful. You can now gather data for what works and what doesn’t for you as a unique human. I love diving into what has been your experience and how to finally see what is going on for you.

What makes your program different from the 1000’s of others out there?

I am so glad you asked. Weight loss is unique for each one of us because we view the use of food differently. The more you can see how you think about yourself (your worth and value) and food (self care, buffering, escape, reward) the clearer you will be about how you want to use food moving forward.I help members learn to become their own food and body expert. You will learn tools to change habits and create permanent changes.

You're in good company

See what Deb's life looks like now that she has learned what was really going on and has now dropped 80 pounds at 70 years old after 40 years of yo-yo dieting..

I feel so energized... I get more quilting projects done. I feel more at ease with my family and friends.  
 When I signed up for my first master course with Dara I wanted to be successful so badly but my whole life felt like one weight loss failure after another. I was convinced I couldn't be successful.

But as I slowed down and learned the basics I can see how much my life has changed. I have lost over 55 pounds in a year. I feel so energized. I don't need my wheelchair at quilting events. I get more quilting projects done. I feel more at ease with my family and friends.  
  - AMY  
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