Waiting for the right time to tackle weight loss?

Learn How To Break Up with Food & Create Your Own Joy

February 26 - March 1
at 11am PT | via Zoom

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If you are sick and tired of getting your hopes up with every diet and then finding yourself still hugging a carton of Ben and Jerry's on a Thursday night scrolling Instagram laughing at dancing pig videos- this master class is for you.
 You have your own unique relationship with food... 
 ...one that started from birth and has evolved and changed through your life.  
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 Alcoholics can just stop drinking. But we all have to eat!! It's so hard to change your relationship with food.

Not only do you have all the 'stuff' to deal with from what your parents said: 'eat everything on your plate', 'there are starving children in China or Africa', 'you can't leave the table until you eat everything' or one of my favourites 'stop being so ungrateful'.

This taught us that we shouldn't trust our own hunger and body cues.

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Then bring on high school years where everyone was comparing themselves and the main understanding was that you couldn't look in the mirror and like what you saw. The unspoken rule was that you couldn't like yourself or accept yourself. You always had to find something wrong with you.
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Then bring on all of the government food guides that went against common sense and then all the low-fat diets that had us eating all of the time but never feeling satisfied.

The Internet has created even more confusion because every weight loss guru out there has proven methods for weight loss. No wonder it feels easier to amuse yourself scrolling reels and Netflix. 
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But there is a solution.

The solution is YOU.

The solution is you learning how to be present with yourself and learning how to create your own eating system. This involves being an active participant with food and your body. You have to be willing to try new things and then failing, learning from the failing and making changes. It's the only way to truly resolve the weight loss issue. 

 Here is what you can expect in this 5 day class:
Day 1: Explore, accept and get honest about your relationship with food
Day 2: Create safety in exploring why you use food to avoid various life circumstances
Day 3: Learn how to create healthy boundaries around unhealthy food, habits and people
Day 4: Learn how to become happy with food, relationships and whatever life throws at you
Day 5: Learn my Weight Loss Success Formula
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Please don't quit trying to improve your relationship with food and your body.

You are worth the time and effort to crack the code on what makes your body feel at its best. 
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What do you have to lose?
You're in good company
See what Deb's life looks like now that she has learned what was really going on and has now dropped 80 pounds at 70 years old after 40 years of yo-yo dieting..
 See how Claudia's quality of life is now because she finally decided to prioritize her physical and mental health. 
This program changed my life. You won't regret it!

"Since joining Dara's program I have lost 30 pounds but more importantly I have gained so much confidence in myself. Dara has provided me with an abundance of tools to learn how to not just lose weight, but manage my mind, solve my problems more effectively and see the world in a completely different way. I don't feel trapped by old patterns or old mannerisms anymore to cope with my life and I feel truly free, I am learning every time I take a class how to truly Love Myself. Thank you Dara!"

- Rochelle

I feel so energized... I get more quilting projects done. I feel more at ease with my family and friends.  
 When I signed up for my first master course with Dara I wanted to be successful so badly but my whole life felt like one weight loss failure after another. I was convinced I couldn't be successful.

But as I slowed down and learned the basics I can see how much my life has changed. I have lost over 55 pounds in a year. I feel so energized. I don't need my wheelchair at quilting events. I get more quilting projects done. I feel more at ease with my family and friends.  
 - AMY 
 I don't even recognize myself anymore. 
 Before I came to Love Yourself Thin I didn't understand how I could be so successful with so many other things in my life but weight loss was always a flop. I worked so hard to trying to get it right but I always put the weight back again when I went back to real life. I didn't believe that I could lose weight and live a life I wanted to live. Now I see that I can be trusted to make good food choices without feeling deprived. I am so thrilled to keep the weight off.  
I feel so energized... I get more quilting projects done. I feel more at ease with my family and friends.  
 When I signed up for my first master course with Dara I wanted to be successful so badly but my whole life felt like one weight loss failure after another. I was convinced I couldn't be successful.

But as I slowed down and learned the basics I can see how much my life has changed. I have lost over 55 pounds in a year. I feel so energized. I don't need my wheelchair at quilting events. I get more quilting projects done. I feel more at ease with my family and friends.  
  - AMY  
 I don't even recognize myself anymore. 
 Before I came to Love Yourself Thin I didn't understand how I could be so successful with so many other things in my life but weight loss was always a flop. I worked so hard to trying to get it right but I always put the weight back again when I went back to real life. I didn't believe that I could lose weight and live a life I wanted to live. Now I see that I can be trusted to make good food choices without feeling deprived. I am so thrilled to keep the weight off.  
  - CATHI 
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